Engaging Our Alumni
The College of Charleston’s more than 100,000 alumni are served by a staff of full-time professionals assisted by several student interns each semester. If you have a question, need assistance, or just want to stop by to say hello the next time you visit campus, please don’t hesitate to contact them at alumni@cofc.edu or 843-953-5630.

Meredith Chance Bruce ’16, M.A.
Senior Director, Alumni Engagement
About Meredith | chancem@cofc.edu | (843) 953-6631

Tammie Pritchard Dean
Assistant Director, Operations
About Tammie | deantp@cofc.edu | (843) 953-6473

Brianna M. Sabacinski ’16
Associate Director, Alumni Engagement;
Executive Secretary, Alumni Association
About Brianna | sabacinskibm@cofc.edu | (843) 953-0433