Alumni / Milestones in Diversity / Bartina Edwards
Bartina Lorick Edwards ’87
Bartina Lorick Edwards ’87 lives in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, just across the state line from Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is an employment and business lawyer. Her practice handles business law, which includes entity formations, HR consulting, and advising clients on equal employment opportunities and compliance. Ms. Edwards owns two other companies, CP3 Paradigm, LLC, which focuses on harmonizing mindfulness and business, and Next Steps, LLC, which helps people connect, collaborate, and create through purpose and passion. She speaks, writes, and volunteers to serve her community in meaningful ways, and says “My greatest successes have always come by and through helping others.”
Ms. Edwards grew up in Columbia, South Carolina, and when applying to college, her father told her she could not go farther than 100 miles from home. She was offered a scholarship to the College and said, “It was by far a very good choice.” She reminisces about some of her favorite things while a student at the College, including the parties, the Cougar’s Den, the Robert Scott Smalls library, and her favorite professor, the Business School’s Dr. Snyder.

from the yearbook, The Comet
As a student, Ms. Edwards learned that doing good work was not enough. “While I had a solid work ethic, as long as I did the work and completed the assignments, I felt that would be sufficient,” she said. “However, one professor in particular had class requirements. I quickly found out that showing up and on time would impact my grade, regardless of my excellent course work. These requirements were in place for a reason and one of those reasons was to help students develop good habits.”
Ms. Edwards’ favorite memory from her time at the College was walking across the Cistern during commencement. “It was a sight to be seen and I had never experienced anything like that before. It went too fast. I can remember thinking, did I just cross the stage? I want to go back and do it again. It was a very fond memory and a great way to wrap up four years.”
Ms. Edwards’ advice for current students is applicable no matter their age: “People, even those in places of authority, can be biased even when they may not realize it, and consequently, never accept a counselor’s direction and information blindly and at face value. Research your options, understand your major requirements, make your own story, and if you believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish something, you can do it.”